Why Solar in Burundi?

Burundi currently runs at an energy production deficit of 100MW[1]. It's like trying to share hot water in a big family - somebody is gonna take a cold shower. While a hot shower isn't the end of the world, an energy deficit can mean the…

TinyTDS: Adaptive Server connection failed

I have been dealing with a gnarly bug trying to connect a Rails backend to an external Microsoft SQLServer host from inside a Docker container. Here's a few considerations for Future Me™. * Make sure your docker container is running in network_mode: "host". This sets your…

Philip Britts

There are so many songs that need to be sung. There are so many beautiful things that await The sensitive hand to pick them up From this strange din of busy living. – Philip Britts…

Joe Hill

Could you arrange to have my body hauled to the state line to be buried? I don’t want to be found dead in Utah. – Joe Hill…

Tap tap, this on?

This August I will be traveling to Burundi with a team to install a 120kw solar array for a teaching hospital in the rural state of Gitega. Burundi, about the size of Maryland, is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa, falling just under South Korea…

Ilia Chavchavadze

Elegy Lambent light of the moon at its fullest Was shining across my motherland, And the distant mountains’ white contour Was receding into blue expanse. Deep stillness: neither sounds nor cries— Like parent to child, my Country told me little. From time to time I heard an anguished sigh, Sobs…


იდგნენ და ელოდნენ. უსაზღვროა მთების მოლოდინი; უსაზღვრო  ზღვადა სდგას იმათ გულში, წითლად, სისხლისფრად შედედებული უთიმთიმებსთ  გულ-მკერდში. გარეთ, სახეზე კი არაფერი ეტყობათ, გარდა მტერობისა. ეს არის  კიდევ ნიშანი მოლოდინისა. ვინ რა იცის, რა ამბავია მთების გულში, რა ცეცხლი  სდუღს და გადმოდის. მთებო, მთებო! რას ელით, ვის ელით? ნუთუ გყავთ  სატრფო დიდიხნის…