Computer Science

Kibuye has a primary school that serves 1200 kids. The sprawling campus sits north-west of the hospital. It's summer, so we meet older students at the soccer field in the evenings. One highschooler, Audas, has been taking Computer Science for two years. Here, taking a CS class means learning Word,…

A Mission Hospital

Kibuye Hope Hospital is a sprawling, dense campus surrounded by a high wall. It sits at the bottom of a hill bordered by two valleys. Banana trees, eucalyptus, and pines frame the road that winds to the hospital gate. Dawn breaks, glinting off the blue roofs and casting shadows up…

Modes of Travel

Hello from Burundi! Amahoro! Ni sawa! Bonjour! Twenty-two hours of flying through four airports to Burundi. Three hours of driving the most adventurous roads to Kibuye. Three days took us all the way around the world. Oliver and I start in Pasco, WA and fly to Denver, CO. From Denver…


My brother, my dad, and I traveled to Burundi to install a solar system at a rural teaching hospital. The whole experience was technicolor, and I was challenged to my core. As an "umuzungu", everything I thought I understood about the inequities of life was given a visceral dimension and…

One More Day

This is my first international trip. I like packing light, but it is a challenge to pack light for something you haven't experienced before. This is not my brother's first international trip. His packing sense comes from months of pure grit and privation in foreign languages. I could not say…

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If you'd like to get updates from the blog sent to your email, it's pretty easy. Head to our subscribe page [], enter your email, and you should be good to go. Unfortunately, our pigeons caught the flu. Any subscriptions to our "pigeon delivery" option are…

Why Solar in Burundi?

Burundi currently runs at an energy production deficit of 100MW[1]. It's like trying to share hot water in a big family - somebody is gonna take a cold shower. While a hot shower isn't the end of the world, an energy deficit can mean the difference between life and…

TinyTDS: Adaptive Server connection failed

I have been dealing with a gnarly bug trying to connect a Rails backend to an external Microsoft SQLServer host from inside a Docker container. Here's a few considerations for Future Me™. * Make sure your docker container is running in network_mode: "host". This sets your docker containers to write…